We're Opening a 2nd Gym!

NOSOTROS is impacting people at a rapid rate. Our favorite stories from this year are giving away a car last winter, giving a field trip to students in poverty this spring, giving climbing to families with cancer this summer, and giving a healthy alternative to people with addiction this fall. Our mission is this, we use rock holds to heal households. A second location doubles our impact, and doubles your access!

At 2020 Euclid Ave, across from Cleveland State, next to Amazon, we’ve got another rock gym on the way. After a year of planning and counsel, the decision for a second spot proves prudent, and Founding Memberships are available, though limited!

Limited Time. Limited Supply.

216 is the Cleveland area code. 2/16 is the expected grand opening date. And we’re offering a Founding Membership to the first 216 people who join. The benefits are personally brilliant and socially beautiful. Founding Members get discounted dues, donated meals, early access, exclusive swag, a Founder’s Feast, and your name engraved on our rock wall. These incentives truly make you feel a part of something bigger than yourself. The sooner you sign up, the more perks you get. The button below shows a video of the new gym, along with the details of our Founding Membership!

Peter Stancato